Aural Rehabilitation
What is aural rehabilitation?
Accepting that you have hearing loss can sometimes be a difficult process. The aural rehabilitation approach is designed to help those with hearing loss positively and effectively adjust to this new reality, giving them skills to manage their hearing loss from a more productive perspective.
Associated Hearing does this by helping our patients better understand how to overcome the challenges that can come with having hearing loss so that they can lead fuller, happier lives. We provide aural rehabilitation strategies for patients of all ages, offering distinct strategies for the age of the patient that we’re working with.
Adult Aural Rehabilitation
The adult aural rehabilitation process at Associated Hearing centers on four main concepts:
- Learning about and adjusting to your unique hearing loss
- Focusing on and improving your communication skills
- Maximizing your hearing aid investment
- Understanding how hearing aid accessories can enhance your hearing world
Effective aural rehabilitation requires a focus on improving communication. Many folks who experience hearing loss will avoid social situations due to difficulties in hearing or understanding speech.
We strive to enhance your listening and communication skills by providing rehabilitation services that focus on brain retraining, using visual cues to deepen understanding, improving lip-reading skills, and using spatial awareness to your communication advantage in addition to regularly wearing your hearing aid technology. This makes the brain more alert, and keeps you happier and healthier!
Children’s Aural Rehabilitation
Aural rehabilitation for children requires an entirely different approach than aural rehab for adults. Since so much of our ability to listen and communicate is developed at an early age, young children with hearing loss face a set of challenges and even certain cognitive delays.
In order to best support children with hearing loss so that they can improve their listening and communication skills, Associated Hearing centers its pediatric aural rehabilitation efforts on three core factors:
- Understanding the severity of the listening and communication impairments
- Understanding the type of hearing loss the child is experiencing
- Understanding when the hearing loss occurred, diagnosed, and, if ever, treated
Hearing aids can dramatically improve a child’s communication abilities, especially if the hearing loss is detected, evaluated and treated as early as possible. The sooner we can start working with your child, the more we can likely improve their listening, hearing, and communication outcomes.
We take these processes very seriously and are honored to work with you and your loved ones at this crucial state of the hearing journey.
Schedule Your Aural Rehabilitation Appointment!
Book your appointment with the Associated Hearing team and hear the difference.